I it is not really important for you, the world to know who I am. I don´t really want you to know who I am. I sort of like the idea of being anonymous. I had a blog where I was not and all of the sudden people knew me and even told me they had seen me in real life. I just want to be able to write without anyone knowing who I am.
But I can say this: I am a mother not yet 30 years of age. I have a few years left before I get 30. I converted to islam over a year ago and I am married to a wonderful man who is not the same nationality as I am. I live in a non islamic country and a non englishspeaking country so please excuse me if my spelling and stuff is off sometimes.
I think I am lucky to have found something I love for my profession. I really do think I make a difference. I contribute to society.
I just want to write about my thoughts. Being married is not always the easiest thing in the world. Being a mother isn´t either. But hey I am happy being both. But sometimes you just need to tell someone about stuff. And the best thing is if that someone does not know who you are. Then I can be free with my thoughts. And you know this is sort of the only grown up conversation I have during the day. So now you know why I am here in the blogsphere trying to comunicate with someone faceless person who happen to step inside my little corner of the blogworld. So pleace write a comment and let me know you came for a visit.
Now, pleace have good day and you are very welcome back.